Nov 24, 2011


Are your cousins over for the holidays
and you're bored out of your mind?

Shoot each other in space.

The IGF version of 0space features:
Vertical screens in 2 player
New effects and animation
A clearer points system
+3 New Levels:
-Death Square-

Donate any amount and receive the IGF version of 0space!

(Download will start automatically after donation)

(Here is an awesome video from Giant Bomb
showcasing new features of the game)

Oct 25, 2011

The Magnificient

The Mag is a game I started during TigJam 4. It is inspired by Film Noir, Blade Runner, and Street Fighter 2010. The finished version will be a long and difficult level with 2 bosses.

Shoot Bastard

I went to San Francisco over the weekend to attend TigJam 4!

While I was there I worked on various things. One of which was the "make a game in an hour challenge" where I teamed up with Chevy Ray Johnston and Matt Thorson to create Shoot Bastard!

I handled the art while Chevy did the code and Matt composed the music.


Jun 29, 2011

Action Fist OST

You can now get the Action Fist OST from
It features every song from the game, as well as a live version of Rain Base Zone.
More live versions are sure* to come.
*But I originally stated that this was going to be available in 2009, so who knows!


May 18, 2011

0Space Update!

I haven't posted in awhile. But that was because I was working on 0Space.

A 2 player version of the game will soon be featured on the Winnitron 1000 Indie Arcade Machine.

And just recently, 0space was featured at Babycastles' Silent Barn location in Queens, NY, for their Tigsource Versus Compo themed show. It also had Jesus fighting Darwin in a Tetris-style vehicle wrestling match, and flying pirate ships shooting each other out of the sky.

But just for you, yes you, I've got a tidier and gussied up version of the future arcade classic (We'll see eh?).

This baby's got the following:
  • New Level "Spring"
  • Random Level Select
  • Players now take turns selecting playlists, as opposed to player 1 always getting to
  • New effects for shooting and jumping
  • Wider Screens for 2 player VS
 so DOWNLOAD away!
    And here's the proper trailer 0space needed.

    Apr 6, 2011

    What I'm Up To

     My current endeavor is learning how to use FlashPunk, so that I may make games that will reach a wider audience, including Mac users, and those too lazy to download something, respectively.

    So I leave you with this tiny taste of what's to come- 


    Today is my brother's birthday. Go listen to his awesome music. Do it. Now!

    Mar 23, 2011

    Abandoned Project - Yveia (2007)

     I've decided to go backwards through my first project folder and cover my abandoned projects.

    So, before this guy 'Pixel', or Daisuke Amaya (if that is his real name) made this game Cave Story, he hacked into my computer and stole all the design documents for my game Yveia.

    The big heads, the limited weapon firing range, the floaty jumping, the circular clouds of smoke, even the evil witches and their big doofy sidekicks. All stolen.

    But seriously, everyone has tried to make their own 'Cave Story', and mine was terrible. And called Yveia.
    I don't even know how to pronounce that.

    Mar 19, 2011


    Make A Mockup.
    Organize Your Tilemap.
    Use In Game.

    I created Pixothello because I dreaded making tilesets for my games. Now I dig it. I created most of the graphics for 0Space with this program. You can create seamless tiles quickly and easily, see if your tileset works before you export it, and organize it accordingly. Though this started as a project tuned to my own workflow, I was tired of sitting on the program, so I made a few changes to make it more accessible.

    While Pixothello is nice, it does have a few shortcomings:
    • Occasionally slow FPS (Made in Game Maker)
    • Can only export .BMP's (Made in Game Maker)
    • Cannot rotate tiles (Did not foresee when I programmed it, and now it's hard to add)
    • Fill tool breaks on erased pixels (No idea)

    Jan 28, 2011

    0Space - Beta

    0Space is my in progress TIGsource Versus Competition Entry. 
    It is a zero gravity hotseat deathmatch game for 2-4 player

    Jan 8, 2011

    Making A Blood Effect In Pixothello

    Here I demonstrate Pixothello's basic animation functions.

    Jan 2, 2011

    Abandoned Project - Crumble (2009)

    Crumble is a project from 2009 that was made to experiment with destructible levels and multiple teams of AI that can navigate those levels.

    DOWNLOAD the Game and Source Code here!